Green Day - 2024 - This piece actually has a really funny background to it (at least to me). I fell in love with the song "Basket Case" by the band Green Day. I loved it so much, that I played the song from the sunup to sundown. I probably played it over 25 times -- and my roommates got tired of me singing it! I wanted to draw a character playing the guitar that fit the vibes of the song, which is how this piece came to be.
Green Day - 2024 - This piece actually has a really funny background to it (at least to me). I fell in love with the song "Basket Case" by the band Green Day. I loved it so much, that I played the song from the sunup to sundown. I probably played it over 25 times -- and my roommates got tired of me singing it! I wanted to draw a character playing the guitar that fit the vibes of the song, which is how this piece came to be.

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